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Council of Oulu Region joined the Living-in.EU initiative

Council of Oulu Region joined the Living-in.EU initiative in an event organised during the European Week of Regions and Cities, #EWRC this week in Brussels.

Living-in.EU ‘s goal is to promote sustainable digital change and give boost to digital transformation in EU regions and cities. Signing the commitment enables the Council of Oulu Region to participate in’s working groups.

The Living-in.EU initiative was initiated in Oulu in 2019. Behind the initiative is the Eurocities cooperation network of the most significant European cities. The network was founded in 1986 and includes more than 200 cities.


Kunta- ja aluepäättäjät seisovat rivissä ja esittelevät allekirjoittamiaan Living-in.EU -aloitteita.
Council of Oulu Region joined the Living-in.EU initiative during the European Week of Regions and Cities, #EWRC. The commitment was signed by Regional Mayor Jussi Rämet.